SANCTIONS, FOREX SHORTAGE , not enough breathalysers for festive season , wages for civil servants but plenty for guns and ammunition to slaughter the people,…DISCUSS!

SANCTIONS, FOREX SHORTAGE , not enough breathalysers for festive season , wages for civil servants but plenty for guns and ammunition to slaughter the people,…DISCUSS! The Zimbabwean government says it does not have adequate breathalysers to test suspected drunken drivers, who have been blamed for causing accidents, during the festive season.
Transport Minister Joel Biggie Matiza told Parliamentarians on Wednesday that they do not have foreig currency to buy the gadgets. “We do not have enough breathalysers in the country due to foreign currency shortages but alternative measures will be taken by the police to make sure that drivers do not drive while they are drunk through educational campaigns,” said Matiza.
He said said the police and Vehicle Inspection Department (VID) will also launch a blitz on traffic offenders during the festive season to curb accidents and other road related incidents.
“There will be a 24 hour traffic blitz involving enforcement agencies such as ZRP and VID a week before and during the festive season,” Matiza said.
“The enforcement agencies will be checking on vehicle road worthiness, drivers’ licences and driver behaviour to ensure that drivers observe all traffic laws. Those found on the wrong side of the law will be prosecuted whilst vehicles found to be unroadworthy will be impounded.”
Matiza said the Traffic Safety Council of Zimbabwe in conjunction with the police deployed 20 educational road block campaign teams across the country’s major highways since December 15.
“Tje Road campaign will end on January 5, 2020. This intensified road safety campaign along the major highways is aiming to encourage motorists to reduce speed and to drive with care and attention so as to reduce carnage during the Christmas and New Year’s holiday,” he said.
“They will also be encouraging drivers not to drink and drive. Drivers are also expected to take breaks and or rest so that they do not drive continuously for more than eight hours.” -Byo24WELCOME EVERYONE: 282,441 MEMBERS, A Quarter of a million members, thank you for the fast growth, participation and continuous encouragement to others to join the group, and engage other progressive minded people in respectful and inclusive debate focused on information dissemination in issues that directly affect the ordinary person including human rights, good governance, accountability, transparency, housing, employment, development, girl child, equality, gender, peace, climate change, pollution, youth, freedom and more issues that directly affect the ordinary person. Information dissemination empowers the readers so that they are better placed to make well informed decisions and choices such as voting. Please feel free to add and encourage others to join.
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